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What Are Different Boolean Operators used in the Search Strategy?

The Boolean operators are used to produce a Boolean value in the form of true or false aspects. A Boolean operator is used in the programming language. The most frequent use of Boolean operator is in computer sciences. The Boolean operator is so common that if you create a Boolean value, it shows some related values when you search anything on Google. You have to enter the question, and Google will answer you. If you want to enhance your efforts related to sourcing, you have to learn about the Boolean operator. Understanding the Boolean operator is not too difficult. But it is also true that not everyone can master it. Also, not everyone can create Boolean strings. No doubt you can get benefits out of it in an easy way. For this, you must learn the usage of Boolean operator, and practise it well. If you think that the Boolean operator is very difficult to learn, you’re wrong. You don’t have to invest in it either. Also, it does not waste your time, but instead ensures productivity (Pazhaniraja et al., 2020).

The best thing about the Boolean operators is that it saves your time. It also helps in maintaining the record. By using this, you reach the exact results and hit the target. This is how you can get accurate data and reduce the level of false results. With these advantages, some factors show limitations of the Boolean operator. These limitations include the Boolean operators that only show exact results. For example, if you work with a Boolean operator, it will answer in ‘yes’ or ‘no’. This will be done in the form of codes. But there is no in-between for the Boolean operator. You would not see any ‘may be’ condition. Here, the search strategy is specially used to make Boolean strings. The logic used in the search strategy is based on the Boolean aspect.

There are five Boolean operators. The functions and explanation for these Boolean operators are as follows.


In this, you have to use the keywords that can help you get accurate results from the operation. Let’s explain this with the help of an example. Here, you can take the example of a “Marketing Manager”.

“Marketing Manager” AND “recruiting”

In this case, the Boolean string will only work when both words “Marketing Manager” and “recruiting” are present in the data. The Boolean string would not work if only “Marketing Manager” was present. In the same way, it would not work if only “recruiting” was present. The only possible way to work the Boolean string is to show the data that includes both words. This is how the Boolean operators ‘AND’ works. The presence of both shows that it’s true. Whereas the presence of any single variable shows that it’s wrong. Three conditions related to this example are as follows:

  • Let, Marketing Manager = 1
  • Recruiting = 1
  • Missing value = 0
  • “Marketing Manager” AND “recruiting” = 1 + 1= true
  • Marketing Manager + Missing value = 1+ 0 = false
  • Recruiting + Missing value = 1 + 0 = false
  • Missing value + Missing value =0 + 0 = false


According to a dissertation help firm, in the case of OR, we can say that it expands the view of results. In this case, if you have two words, the presence of one is enough. If one of the two values is present, it will show true. If no value is present, then it is false. OR condition is used to expand your search. For example, you have to apply for a job, and you are searching for it. Let’s suppose it is for the post of MBA. Now MBA and Master of Business Administration are the same. Some people search for an MBA, and others for a Master of Business Administration.  Here the operation OR will be used. So that it can show results in both conditions. People search for an MBA, or Master of Business Administration. Let’s explain this through the following aspect:

  • MBA = 1
  • Master of Business Administration = 1
  • Missing value = 0
  • MBA + Missing value = 1 + 0 = true
  • Master of Business Administration + Missing value = 1 + 0 = true
  • MBA + Master of Business Administration = 1 + 1 = true
  • Missing value + Missing value =0 + 0 = false

Here, in every true condition, you will get the results. And false conditions would not show any results whatsoever. 


The main purpose of using the NOT Boolean operators is to limit the search. Here you have to define where the system has to respond, and where it should not. Let’s consider the following example:

  • Architecture NOT designer.

Here, the operator will show all the results that only include keywords of Architecture. It will filter results and exclude the positions with the designer. This is how one can clarify that the purpose of NOT is to filter out data. For this, you save both time, and effort. You can also get the exact results. You can include related terms to make it easier for people who added data. And after you set those related terms, the system will show you the limited result. You have to be careful while using NOT as well. Because it so happens that when you use NOT for a particular term, the system excludes that term completely. But there may be an important thing related to that word. So, you have to identify what terms you are going to limit. You will also have to see what its importance within the data is (Lowe et al., 2020).

Quotation Marks ” “

Sometimes you have to use exact terms in the data. Then those exact terms are used with quotation marks. When you use quotation marks around something, it’s considered a single term. For example:

  • “Architecture Engineer”

It is considered a single term, and you can use it for coding as well. In the same way, when you do not use quotation marks, the system takes every word as a separate entity. For example:

  • Architecture Engineer

Here, we can say that Architecture is one entity. Although Engineer is another entity, in this case, the order of the words does not matter. The system will ensure recognition whether Architecture, or Engineer comes first.

Parentheses ()

It is used to prioritise the words in any operation.

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