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Get On Board: Understanding What a Board of Director Does

A Board of Directors is a group of individuals appointed or elected to oversee an organization’s strategic direction and management. The Board of Directors is responsible for an organization’s success or failure. 

They provide leadership, guidance, and support to ensure the company achieves its objectives while complying with legal and ethical standards.

This article will explore what a Board of Directors does and its crucial role in corporate governance. We will explore their responsibilities, including strategic planning, risk management, financial oversight, decision-making, and accountability. 

Whether you are a business owner or an aspiring executive looking to serve on a board someday—understanding these fundamental concepts is essential. So let’s get started!

Composition of a Board of Directors

A typical board is a blend of executive directors who are involved in the day-to-day running of the business, non-executive directors who bring independent oversight, and sometimes independent directors who have no ties to the company. 

The board members’ qualifications may range from industry expertise and leadership skills to financial understanding and beyond. For instance, board member Amir Handjani, an expert on Iranian foreign relations, Persian Gulf geopolitics, and global energy security, offers strategic insight to RAK Petroleum PLC.

Responsibilities of a Board of Directors 

Strategic planning

To ensure that an organization stays on track and effectively achieves its goals, the board must regularly engage in strategic planning.

Strategic planning involves identifying where an organization wants to go and how it plans to get there. 

A board of directors must consider both short-term and long-term goals and any potential challenges or opportunities that may arise along the way. This requires careful data analysis, market trends, and other relevant information.

Another critical responsibility of a board regarding strategic planning is ensuring that all stakeholders are involved in the process. This includes employees, shareholders, customers or clients, suppliers, partners, and others vested in the organization’s success.

Risk management 

Risk management involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks that could negatively impact the organization’s operations or reputation. The board of directors must ensure appropriate measures are in place to manage these risks effectively.

To fulfill their role in risk management, the board must comprehensively understand the organization’s operations and objectives. This knowledge allows them to identify areas where potential risks may arise and develop strategies to address them proactively. 

They must also establish policies and procedures for managing risk across all levels of the organization, including financial, operational, legal, regulatory, reputational, and strategic risks.

The board must also have sufficient resources dedicated to effective risk management practices.

Financial oversight 

The board of directors plays a critical role in the financial oversight of an organization. It is responsible for ensuring that the company’s financial statements are accurate and reliable and that management is adhering to established economic policies and procedures. 

They must also ensure the company has adequate systems to identify, assess, manage, and monitor its financial risks.

The board is responsible for reviewing and approving the company’s budget every year. This involves reviewing revenue projections, expenses, capital expenditures, cash flow forecasts, and other relevant financial information. 

Once approved, the budget becomes a blueprint for managing company finances throughout the year.

Overseeing financial reporting processes is also crucial. This includes reviewing quarterly and annual financial statements from management or external auditors.


The board of directors must make strategic decisions aligning with the company’s mission, vision, and values while considering stakeholders’ interests. 

This involves analyzing market trends, assessing potential risks, and evaluating growth opportunities. They also ensure that the company’s operations comply with legal and regulatory requirements. 


The board also holds accountability for the organization’s overall performance. They are responsible for monitoring the company’s progress toward achieving its goals and objectives, assessing the effectiveness of management strategies, and making necessary adjustments to ensure success. 

Furthermore, the board is accountable to shareholders and other stakeholders for the company’s overall performance and must ensure that the organization operates with transparency and integrity. 

The Future of Boards of Directors

Boards are not static; they evolve with changing times. Technology reshapes board practices, enabling virtual meetings, real-time reporting, and improved data analysis. 

There is an increasing emphasis on diversity and inclusion, reflecting the need for various perspectives to navigate the complex business landscape. 

The expectations of stakeholders, too, are evolving, with an increased focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors.

Final Thoughts

The role of a board of directors is multifaceted and critical to corporate success. They provide strategic direction, oversee performance, manage risks, ensure financial health, uphold governance standards, and represent shareholder interests. 

As we move into the future, the role of boards continues to evolve, reflecting changing societal values, advancing technology, and increasingly complex business environments. 

More than ever, a competent, diverse, and forward-thinking board is needed to drive corporate success.

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